About Us
Founded in 1872, the Eau Claire Police Department employs 169 civilian and sworn employees; 105 sworn Law Enforcement Officers, 16 administrative employees, 25 Communications Center employees, 3 full-time and 12 part-time Community Service Officers, 7 non-sworn volunteers and a Co-Response Coordinator.
The Eau Claire Police Department strives to be a trusted police organization that ensures a safe and engaged community with an exceptional quality of life. This vision provides department members practical guidance on who we want to be as an organization and defines what success looks like. Our values explain how we are going to achieve these goals, shape our organizational culture and reflect what is important to us. Our values are Integrity, Dignity, Transparency, Compassion, Commitment, and Professionalism.
Our agency operates under the goals of Strengthening Trust, Ensuring a Safe and Engaged Community, Supporting the City of Eau Claire Strategic Plan, and Promoting Employee Wellbeing. Four Pillars of Policing were established in 2020 to support the greater strategic goals of the department. They include our Philosophy, Training, Oversight, and Transparency.